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教师招聘初中英语《Dream homes》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-30 10:18 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning/afternoon, dear judges! It’s my honor to be here to present my class today. I’m number X candidate applying for the junior high school English teacher. And my presentation today is Dream Homes. In order to make my presentation much clearer, I’m going to divide it into 6 parts. Now I am going to present them one by one.


Firstly, I will give a brief analysis of teaching material. This is a reading lesson about different homes. It is from unit 1 of Book 2, Grade 7, published by the Oxford University Press. This topic is related to students’ daily life, so it is very important to encourage students to communicate.

Teaching Objectives

Given the analysis of teaching materials, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

1. Students can understand the content of the three blogs.

2. Students can master some new words and the sentence: kitchen, living room, bedroom, I share a bedroom with my sister.

3. Students can learn about the different characteristics of homes around world and express their opinions on rooms.

4. Students can learn to observe their surroundings carefully and love their homes.

Key and Difficult Points

Based on the above analysis, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as follows:

Teaching key point is to understand the blogs and learn the new words and the sentence. While the teaching difficult point is to use the different reading skills in practice.


Knowing students well can help improve the teaching efficiency, now let me analyze the students. After four years’ basic English learning, they have already mastered some useful expressions and know some reading skills. Meanwhile, they can complete the tasks by cooperating with each other. But they still need guidance to use reading skills to get information. Therefore, in this lesson, I will stress the use of students’ reading skills.


Based on the analysis of the teaching material and students, I will choose situational teaching method, multi-media teaching method and task-based language teaching method for this lesson.

The learning method is students will study in pairs and groups to master the blogs.


According to the above analysis, teaching procedures –the most important part are designed as follows:

Step 1. Lead-in

Firstly, I will ask students to answer the question “How do you get to school?” Students can speak freely. And then I will show a map and some pictures of my home and describe them to the whole class.

The purpose of this step is to stir students’ interest in learning this lesson and make a preparation for the reading task.








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